Price: $61.00
Take your tasty PiMag® water everywhere!

Potable tap water is filtered by the PiMag® Sport Bottle to remove any impurities, making it cleaner and healthier to drink. Due to its reusability and biodegradable ingredients, it is a green option.

The Sport Bottle surpasses ANSI/NSF or EPA regulations thanks to a special fusion of three technologies: Proprietary alkalizing properties raises pH from 7 to 8.5. Patented nano-fiber filtration decreases potential pollutants, and 4,600+ gauss neodymium magnets declusters the water.

  • EcoPure biodegradable bottle will decompose at the end of its lengthy lifespan and contribute to the soil’s nutrient supply.
  • pH is changed by PiMag® technology to produce alkaline water
  • Modern filtering for water that tastes better and is healthier
  • Economical and green substitute for bottled water
  • EcoPure’s biodegradable bottle is secure, recyclable, and reusable
  • Filter that should be replaced will last about 250 refills

WARNING: Avoid using or wearing magnetic items if you have a pacemaker or other electronic medical device, or if you have a surgical implant that is magnetically sensitive. Before utilizing magnetic items, pregnant women in their first trimester of pregnancy or anyone with a health issue should first visit a doctor.